Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fighter Pilot by Robin Olds, Christina Olds, and Ed Rasimus

I picked up this book having never heard of General Olds before and despite being a military history buff. I also had no developed any particular interest in air combat. That being said I found the book at a local library last weekend and on a whim I picked it up and brought it home. As soon as I finished the first few pages I knew I was in trouble, i.e. I had a difficult time putting it down.

I have started a letter to my six year old daughter in which I will try and pass along a few words of wisdom that I have gained and other bits of hopefully useful lessons that I find in the books that I read. I found two really important life lessons in this book that I have included in that letter.

The first is on page 135, and details advice General Olds received from General Spaatz. His comments on people I thought were spot on and helpful to anyone that finds themselves working in large organizations. The other section that I added to the letter started on page 260 of the book and covered effective leadership. The book was terrific but those two sections alone were outstanding and well worth the price of the book.

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